أسلوب الحياة
50,000-year-old picture of a pig is the oldest known narrative art
Tracing of the cave painting showing a pig and human-like figures from Leang Karampuang on Sulawesi, Indonesia Griffith University A…
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أسلوب الحياة
World’s oldest wine found in 2000-year-old Roman tomb
The 2000-year-old wine found in a Roman tomb in Carmona, Spain Juan Manuel Román/University of Cordoba A reddish liquid found…
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أسلوب الحياة
Ancient Egyptian skull shows oldest known attempt at treating cancer
The skull of an ancient Egyptian man with a round lesion caused by a tumour near the top Tondini, Isidro,…
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أسلوب الحياة
Oldest known human viruses found hidden within Neanderthal bones
Genetic analysis of 50,000-year-old Neanderthal skeletons has uncovered the remnants of three viruses related to modern human pathogens, and the…
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أسلوب الحياة
Cuneiform: How AI is revealing the secrets within the world’s oldest texts
BEHIND a locked door in the British Museum, London, there is a beautiful library with high, arched ceilings. Inside this…
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